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July 26, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass. – July 26, 2016 – 5:00 PM
Meeting Minutes - Princeton Broadband Municipal Light Plant (PBMLP)
        5:00 PM Meeting opened with PBMLP members Stan Moss, Edie Morgan, Jon Fudeman, T.A. Nina Nazarian, Asst. Mgr. Marty Dell’Erba, Phil Leaman of LINX Associates, Inc., John Kowaleski, and residents in attendance.
Approve minutes
        The PBMLP voted 3-0 on a motion by Edie, second by Jon to approve the minutes for July 19th.
Authorize any payments required
        None at this time.
Make ready updates
        Next meeting. Edie reported that Allen Hill Road was being completed today.
Updates on Design/Engineering contract
        None at this time.
Updates on potential materials and services procurement
        None at this time.
Updates or Correspondence / MBI Readiness Check process update
        Marty explained that PMLD is issuing a notice to the ratepayers to differentiate the matters.
Updates on Comcast
        Stan provided an update with regard to Comcast. George Handy asked several questions regarding the DRAFT Comcast memorandum. John K. explained his perspective of the Comcast memorandum, saying that he felt that the report did not reflect all of the information that Comcast discussed, the representatives from Comcast were marketing people, and that it all sounded good, but he is not sure they will do as they say. Phil Gransewicz asked if the board was seriously considering the Comcast proposal. Stan explained that we do not have a proposal yet from Comcast. Matt Russell asked if our make-ready work will take another 30 days, while Comcast prepares their proposal. Phil Leaman responded that the make ready work will certainly take more time, but that Comcast has clearly put money into considering the Town. Darcy Rowell asked if Comcast was aware that we have a Special Town Meeting. Stan responded that they did and that they had access to our data files. Chris Newell asked what the status was regarding the engineering design and whether or not that was being moved ahead for the project or if that was being pushed off until after Comcast had decided. Stan expressed the decision making which has been difficult. Matt asked if this Board had the decision making authority to decide to work with Comcast or not. Stan stated that it didn’t. Several residents expressed a desire to and expressed their support for the Board moving forward with the engineering. Stan discussed the technological options for the various materials/design options. Phil Gransewicz asked if Corning was willing to design the project at no cost. Phil Leaman explained that if we purchase the materials from them, then they would be willing to design it at no cost.
Review policy update nonsubscriber policy changes approved 7/19
Discuss Connecting Princeton website updates and Information sessions
         Stan explained that the marketing team provided the August 30th and September 8th as informational meeting dates. The PBMLP voted 3-0 on a motion by Stan, second by Edie seconded to hold the informational meetings on August 30th and September 8th at the Thomas Prince School.
New Business
Old Business
Public Comment
         Bill Holder stated the following and asked that it be placed into the record: “For some time now I have been concerned with the financial impact of borrowing $4.8 million plus to complete the fiber optic project.  It seems to me that the project as proposed by the MLB is rushing forward without due consideration of the other capital needs of the Town.  As I understand it, these needs relate to the capital required to rebuild the infrastructure of the Town, namely Bagg Hall and a new public safety building. No comprehensive global forward looking financial plan has been put forth to provide the context and impact of borrowing the $4.8 million plus for the fiber optic project.  I do not understand the global impact on the tax rate or the bond rating of the Town if all of the capital spending takes place. I believe such a global plan is needed badly before any decision should be made on the fiber project. As a result, I volunteer my services to help either the MLB or the Select Board formulate such a global financial plan.  I can envision a group of like-minded concerned citizens who could develop an unbiased factual plan.  I believe my education, financial knowledge and investment experience would qualify me for such a position and task. Thank you for listening.”
        Stan explained that it was a Board of Selectmen matter. Edie asked what Bill Holder’s background was. He verbally explained his 30 years of experience. Judy Dino said that she does not believe we have rushed into this plan, 4-5 years in making, she has the feeling based on how the Town functions, that the debt on the fiber could be paid off prior to Bagg Hall. Chris Lynch reminded the Board that Matrix does have an offer on the table to build a network at no cost to the Town, faster than the Town or Comcast could build it. John K. suggested that Marty pass along the information from the Division of Local Services to Bill Holder to show that the state has reviewed the Town’s financial plan. Marty suggested that maybe Bill Holder could assist Advisory Committee members. Phil Gransewicz indicated that he believed that we need to grow the tax base of the Town, and the only way to do that would be to move forward with Broadband.
        Chris Newell asked if there was further clarification regarding the question of whether or not we could begin/activate subscriber homes in sections as it’s built. Chris Lynch commented that it was a M.G.L. c. 30B law which would not permit it.

6:05 PM – PBMLP voted 3-0 on a motion by Jon, second by Edie to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

PBMLP referenced documents or correspondence:   PMLD Notice

Minutes Approved on August 2, 2016